Human Rights Education Associates

The Blueprint for Teaching and Learning in Dance: Fully Developed Units (Brain Dance)


Rosemary Camera


NYC Department of Education

Place of Publication

New York, NY, USA

Year of Publication




In this Unit, the eight elements of “Braindance” movement patterns (as developed by Anne Green Gilbert) and the elements of “Space” and “Time” in dance function as the building blocks to create “Movement Profiles” to observe and evaluate in the context of choreographic and cultural “Harmony and Discord.” The resultant movement profiles are presented as metaphors for cultures in society, interacting with one another peacefully or violently. We will search for evidence that indicates whether or not our Braindance inspired movement collaborations express harmony or discord among the dancers involved and how the performances can be viewed as metaphors for how cultures interact in society.
Formal education, Multimedia and Arts
FE: Primary school, MMA: Theatre and dance
Right to culture, Conflict environments

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