Below is a sampling of the strategic consultations and policy papers carried out by HREA staff.
Strategic Consultations
UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Education (2019). Provided expert input into the thematic report The Right to Education and the Prevention of Mass Atrocities prepared by Dr. Boly Barry.
UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (1995 to present). Provided expert inputs on the UN Declaration on Human Rights Education and Training, and all phases of the World Programme for Human Rights Education.
European Wergeland Centre (2017- present). Advised the EWC on an organization-wide monitoring and evaluation plan and associated tool revision and associated strategic planning.
Fundamental Rights Association (FRA) of the European Union (2017). Developed an internal strategy paper for citizenship and human rights education within the European Union for 2018-2022.
Raoul Wallenberg Institute (2014-present). HREA’s Director has worked with RWI projects in Belarus and Turkey, as well as with staff in the Lund, Sweden headquarters in strategic planning.
Policy Papers/Guidelines
Tibbitts, F. (2020). Human Rights Perspective of Citizenship Education in Adult Learning. Prepared for UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning.
UNESCO – Myanmar (2019). Education for Peace and Sustainable Development in Myanmar under the Sustainable Development Goal 4.7 and their Contributions to Quality Education: An Options Paper.
UNESCO and UNODC (2018). Strengthening the Rule of Law through Education: A Guide for Policymakers. Paris: UNESCO. Tibbitts was the expert drafting the policy guidelines.
Tibbitts, F. (2016). Universal Values: Origins, Debates, Renewals and Schooling. Discussion paper prepared for IBE UNESCO. Unpublished internal document.
HRE 2020. (2015). Human Rights Education Indicator Framework. Cambridge and London: HRE 2020. (Tibbitts was the lead writer.)
Tibbitts, F. (2014). Building Human Rights-Infused Intercultural Competencies. Paris: UNESCO.
OSCE/ODIHR. (2012). Guidelines for Human Rights Education in Secondary School Systems. Warsaw: OSCE/ODIHR. (Tibbitts was the lead writer.)
Bonard, P., Docherty, B., Gaggiolo, G., Kawali, D., Syed, S. and Tibbitts, F. (2011). Improving the Protection of Civilians in Situations of Armed Conflict. Fellows Working Paper, Carr Center for Human Rights Policy. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Kennedy School of Government.