Human Rights Education Associates

Istanbul Protocol: Manual on the Effective Investigation and Documentation of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment


Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights


Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

Place of Publication

New York, NY, USA; Geneva Switzerland

Year of Publication




This manual, better known as the Istanbul Protocol, is intended to serve as international guidelines for the assessment of persons who allege torture and ill-treatment, for investigating cases of alleged torture, and for reporting findings to the judiciary or any other investigative body. The documentation methods contained in this manual are also applicable to other contexts, including human rights investigations and monitoring, political asylum evaluations, the defense of individuals who “confess” to crimes during torture, and needs assessments for the care of torture victims, among others. The manual includes annexes with principles of effective investigation and documentation; diagnostic tests; anatomical drawings for the documentation of torture and ill-treatment; and guidelines for the medical evaluation of torture and ill-treatment.
Training of Professional Groups
TP: Health professionals
Freedom from torture, Human rights-based approach, Torture

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