Human Rights Education Associates

ECRI General Policy Recommendation No. 10 on Combating Racism and Racial Discrimination in and Through School Education


European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) Council of Europe


European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) Council of Europe

Place of Publication

Strasbourg, France

Year of Publication



English, Russian, Bosnian, Czech, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Polish

Emphasising that special measures can improve the access of children from minority groups to school education and to good teaching; Recalling that human rights education based on the principles of equality, non discrimination, tolerance and respect for diversity can play a key role in combating racism and intolerance in general; Convinced of the need to ensure that all schools conform to satisfactory standards in respect of teaching in these areas; Recalling the importance of ensuring that school textbooks and other teaching aids not spread prejudice and stereotypes; Aware of the growing importance of modern technology, including the Internet, in school education and the need for this to be taken into account for questions relating to the fight against racism and racial discrimination; Convinced of the need for mandatory training on teaching in a multicultural context to be given to all educational staff; Convinced of the importance of initial and ongoing training for educational staff in matters pertaining to human rights and combating racial discrimination; Urging that all school authorities be placed under an obligation to promote equality and that progress on compliance with this obligation be properly monitored; The ECRI puts forth this General Policy Recommendation No. 10 on Combating Racism and Racial Discrimination in and Through School Education
Education Policy, Curriculum Development, Research
EPCDR: Policies and regulatory frameworks
Freedom from discrimination, Right to education, Anti-racism, Human rights-based approach, International humanitarian law, Monitoring & measuring human rights

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