Human Rights Education Associates

CEDAW and the Human Rights-Based Approach to Programming: A UNIFEM Guide


Lee, Waldorf; Christine, Arab; Menaka, Guruswamy



Place of Publication

New York, NY, USA

Year of Publication




This publication is a practical guide to the human rights-based approach to programming for UNIFEM staff as well as partners, with a particular focus on the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). Starting with an overview of why it is important to understand gender equality as a human rights issue, the guide explains the “UN Common Understanding of the human-rights-based approach” and how this is reflected in UNIFEM’s Multi-Year Funding Framework (MYFF). It discusses the concrete implications for programming of applying the HRBA and highlights requirements of human rights-based programming in the context of Results-Based Management, a central concept in the work of UN development agencies. The publication also provides detailed background information on CEDAW and other human rights treaties, including links to key documents.
NFE: Women
Freedom from discrimination, Right to health, Right to marry, Right to take part in government, Right to work, Human rights-based approach, Monitoring & measuring human rights

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