Statement of HRE 2020 coalition at annual UN Treaty Body Chairs Meeting
For immediate release
26 June 2014
HREA, Amnesty International, Soka Gakkai International and 11 other organisations of the “Human Rights Education 2020” coalition welcomed Resolution A/RES/68/268 to strengthen effective functioning of the treaty bodies.
“The treaty bodies are central to ensuring government implementation of human rights education obligations as it is a cross-cutting issue that is relevant to all treaties”, says Adele Poskitt, Program Associate at HREA and coordinator of HRE 2020. “In the absence of a separate legally binding reporting mechanism specifically on human rights education, HRE 2020 looks to the treaty bodies to uphold the principle that a comprehensive education in human rights provides knowledge, imparts skills and empowers individuals to promote, defend and apply human rights in daily life.”
About HRE 2020
Human Rights Education 2020 (HRE 2020) was launched on 19 December 2013, the second anniversary of the adoption of the UN Declaration on Human Rights Education and Training. This landmark document recognises the right of every person to have access to human rights education.
The current coalition members of HRE 2020 are: Amnesty International, Arab Institute of Human Rights, Democracy and Human Rights Education in Europe (DARE Network), Equitas, Forum Asia, Human Rights Education Associates (HREA), Human Rights Educators USA (HRE USA), Hurights Osaka, Informal Sector Service Centre (INSEC), Institute for Human Rights and Development in Africa (IHRDA), People’s Watch, Peruvian Institute for Human Rights and Peace (IPEDEHP), Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, and Soka Gakkai International.
For further information about HRE 2020, please visit or contact Adele Poskitt, e-mail: or call: +1 617 301-4380.