Human Rights Education Associates

Sophie Feintuch

Sophie FeintuchProgram Director

Ms. Feintuch is Program Director of the Children’s Rights and Child Protection Program. She is responsible for facilitating online courses on children’s rights, child protection and participation and facilitates the Community of Practice for Children’s Rights and Child Protection. She also coordinates the Four Freedoms Summer Program and HRE 2020. Before joining HREA in early 2014, Sophie conducted research on children of incarcerated parents in Bolivia, Spain and the U.S. and carried out an evaluation of a program developed for children in prisons in Spain. She previously worked for UNICEF’s regional office for Latin America and the Caribbean and has also worked with nonprofits in Latin America, Europe and the U.S. dedicated to child welfare, education, gender-based violence and juvenile justice. Sophie holds a dual Masters of Arts in Women’s and Gender Studies from the Universidad de Granada (Spain) and Central European University (Hungary) and a Bachelors of Arts in Sociology and Hispanic Studies from Vassar College (USA).