Human Rights Education Associates

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child: An Introduction – A Middle School Unit (Grades 6-8)


Sara Young and U.S. Fund for UNICEF Education Department


U.S. Fund for UNICEF

Place of Publication

New York

Year of Publication




This lesson unit introduces students in Grades 6-8 to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). In Lesson 1, students discuss what they believe all children need in order to be healthy, safe, and to develop to their full potential. In Lesson 2, students read the summary of the CRC as a class and discuss short animated online cartoons based on the CRC articles. In Lesson 3, students depict rights of the CRC through tableaus or frozen images with their bodies. In Lesson 4, students read and discuss a case study about a teenager from Jordan.
FE: Secondary and high school
Right to education, Right to food & water, Right to housing, Right to life, Human rights-based approach, Monitoring & measuring human rights, Convention on the Rights of the Child/CRC, Children’s rights

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