Human Rights Education Associates

The Human Rights-Based Approach to Development Cooperation Towards a Common Understanding Among UN Agencies


United Nations


United Nations

Place of Publication


Year of Publication




While there’s no universal recipe for a human rights-based approach, United Nations agencies have nonetheless agreed on a number of essential attributes in the 2003 Common Understanding on HRBA to Development Cooperation, which indicates that 1) All programs of development co-operation, policies, and technical assistance should further the realization of human rights as laid down in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international human rights instruments, 2) Human rights standards contained in, and principles derived from, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international human rights instruments guide all development cooperation and programming in all sectors and in all phases of the programming process, and 3) Development cooperation contributes to the development of the capacities of ‘duty-bearers to meet their obligations and/or of rights-holders to claim their rights.
Training of Professional Groups
TP: Development workers
Human rights-based approach

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