Human Rights Education Associates

Standing with Standing Rock: A Role Play on the Dakota Access Pipeline


Ursula Wolfe-Rocca, Bill Bigelow, and Andrew Duden


Zinn Education Project

Place of Publication

Washington, D.C., United States

Year of Publication




Our first and most important goal was to create a context for students to confront the complex social reality of the Dakota Access Pipeline and the resistance movement to which it has given rise. That social reality includes the history and contemporary status of Indigenous rights, the power of the fossil fuel industry, the support for pipeline infrastructure from segments of organized labor, and the extent to which our government is protecting—or failing to protect—the land, water, and air. The role play asks students to explore these complicated dynamics as active participants.
Formal education, Education Policy, Curriculum Development, Research
FE: Secondary and high school, EPCDR: Curriculum development
Freedom of assembly and association, Right to environment, Climate justice, Indigenous peoples’ rights

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