By diverting scarce public resources intended for development, corruption is a major obstacle to poverty reduction and growth. At the same time, democratic consolidation processes are put at risk. Corruption jeopardizes the success of long- term initiatives in every area of development. Therefore, preventing corruption is a cross- cutting task.
Corruption is an omnipresent phenomenon. Our field-staff employees are familiar with its manifestations and harmful effects. But there is a demand for analytical instruments and practical recommendations on how to incorporate anti corruption measures in sectoral fields. Therefore, the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development has commissioned the sector project “”Prevention of Corruption“ to develop practical guides and complementary studies. These guides provide assistance to field-staff employees responsible for preparing or carrying out projects in the concerned sectors, or for promoting the topic of anti- corruption in the political dialogue.
The Practical Guides cover the topics: Public Finance Management, Public Administration at the National and Local Level, Judiciary, Education System, Resource Allocation (Water, Forestry, Land), Privatization, Analytical Instruments for Anti Corruption Measures.