Human Rights Education Associates

Peace Education Training Manual for GPPAC-Southeast Asia


Loreta N. Castro


Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict, Southeast Asia

Place of Publication

Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict, Southeast Asia

Year of Publication




This Training Manual is designed to be used as a full and continuous training course of three to four days (depending on number of sessions per day) or it can be used section by section. The latter case may be necessary in the event that a successive three- to four-day opportunity is not feasible. The user of this Manual may also choose to make adaptations on the content and methods based on the needs and cultural and/or country context of the participants. The design is meant to serve as a basic introductory manual and related topics needing more depth and breadth can best be served by a follow-up seminar workshop or training. The main purpose of this training manual is to introduce the training participants (Ps) to the fundamentals of Peace Education- its basic knowledge base as well as the skills and values that need to be cultivated. Inasmuch as this is only an introductory manual, it will not be able to delve deeply on the various aspects related to the field. Rather, the thrust and specific objective of this manual would be to introduce the following: — a holistic understanding of peace and violence, — the essential purpose and key themes of peace education — the attributes of a peace educator, and — pointers for peace advocacy
Training of Professional Groups
TP: Teachers
Human rights-based approach, Right to peace, Peace Education

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