Human Rights Education Associates

Human Rights and Service-Learning: Lesson Plans and Projects


Kristine Belisle and Elizabeth Sullivan


Amnesty International-USA and Human Rights Education Associates (HREA)

Place of Publication

New York and Cambridge, MA

Year of Publication




Service-learning is a powerful and provocative way for people to learn about human rights-related issues. Working in both the classroom and the “field,” establishes a crucial link between the content of curriculum learned in school and the various realities that exist in the world. Often, when we think of human rights, civil and political rights such as the right to free speech come to mind. In fact, economic, social and cultural rights, such as the rights to health and housing, are equally important. Both sets of rights can be embraced through human rights education and service-learning. The staff of Amnesty International USA and Human Rights Education Associates (HREA) hope, through this guide, to convey to learners that when they devote their time and energy to working in a soup kitchen, a shelter for battered women, or any other kind of community-oriented organization, they are playing a critical role in the fight to ensure respect for human rights.
Formal education, Non-formal education
FE: Secondary and high school, FE: Higher education, NFE: Youth, NFE: Communities
Whole school approach

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