The GEG introduces methodological approaches to support GE practice, measurement and monitoring. The structure of the document has been designed to reinforce its practical use and enable formal and non-formal educators to tackle different aspects of GE in a training/learning context and its evaluation. It serves as the reference pedagogical resource for the North-South Centre residential and on-line courses. The new version of the Global Education Guidelines-concepts and methodologies on global education for educators and policy makers (2019) has been translated in French. Previous GEG version has been translated in 19 languages.
Formal education, Non-formal education, Training of Professional Groups, Education Policy, Curriculum Development, Research, Human Rights Standards/Documents
FE: Secondary and high school, FE: Primary school, FE: Higher education, TP: Teachers, TP: NGOs, TP: National Human Rights Institutes (NHRIs), EPCDR: Research and evaluation, EPCDR: Curriculum development
Freedom from discrimination, Freedom of movement, Freedom of opinion and expression, Freedom of thought, conscience & religion, Right to education, Anti-racism, Right to environment, Conflict environments, Human rights-based approach, Monitoring & measuring human rights