Human Rights Education Associates

From rule of men to rule of law in Europe and Eurasia synthesis of eight country impact assessments


Geraldine Donnelly


U.S. Agency for International Development

Place of Publication

Washington, D.C.

Year of Publication




This synthesis of eight country assessments is designed to identify and analyse common experiences in designing and implementing rule of law strategies and programmes, and to draw some conclusions as to which factors contributed to programme impact or lack thereof. It also looks at the impact and effectiveness of particular types of rule of law programming. Unlike conventional evaluations, the individual country assessments did not directly assess the performance of agency activity designers and managers or activity implementers, be they contractors or grantees. Rather, the assessments focus on what was done, with what results, what worked or didn’t work, why, and how future efforts can be developed, sequenced and implemented more effectively to enhance future impact. To facilitate comparisons, assessment findings are organised by the three major categories of rule of law assistance: developing and implementing the legal framework, developing and/or assisting legal institutions, and law and civil society.
Education Policy, Curriculum Development, Research
EPCDR: Research and evaluation
International humanitarian law

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