Curriculum Development for Learning to Live Together the Caribbean Sub-Region. The final report of the sub-regional seminar held in Havana, Cuba, 15-18 May 2001
This is a report of a sub-regional seminar organised by the International Bureau of Education (IBE), the Caribbean Network of Educational Innovation for Development (CARNEID) and the Ministry of Education of Cuba that brought together curriculum developers from the region in the area of citizenship education, human rights education and peace education. The principal issues addressed during the seminar were related to three themes: (i) citizenship education: learning at school and in society, (ii) social exclusion and violence: education for social cohesion, and (iii) shared values, cultural diversity and education: what to learn and how? Experts were selected from both within and outside the region so as to provide a diversity of approaches and viewpoints, with three of the presenters basing their contributions on their own practical experiences of educating for citizenship and social cohesion.