UN Security Council resolution 1325 on women, peace and security, and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) — two normative, legally binding documents — are powerful tools when used together to move the gender equality agenda forward in the peace and security context. Although each set of standards constitutes a critical tool in advocating for women’s rights, using them together strengthens the work of gender equality advocates, and works to ensure the realization of de facto gender equality in times of peace and within post-conflict environments. The purpose of this training module is to build the capacity and awareness of gender equality advocates in government and civil society in the Southern Caucasus to advocate for and to support the implementation of CEDAW and UNSC resolution 1325. It provides advocates with: increased awareness of the obligations under these two documents, and how these obligations can be practically applied at the national and local levels; improved understanding of the linkages between the core principles found in the two documents; concepts and practical suggestions for advocates in government and civil society on how to advocate for and support the effective implementation of CEDAW and UNSC resolution 1325 at the national and local levels.