Human Rights Education Associates

A Graduate Level Curriculum for Trauma Intervention and Conflict Resolution in Ethnopolitical Warfare


Psychologists for Social Responsibility


Psychologists for Social Responsibility

Place of Publication

Washington DC, USA

Year of Publication




This guide outlines the components of the graduate curriculum course which addresses applying psychology to alleviate the social and psychological problems in communities devastated by ethnopolitical warfare. The curriculum may be incorporated into an existing program for the post-graduate or post-doctorate training course. The objectives of the curriculum are 1. Integrate and capitalize on the training of psychologists and other mental health professionals in trauma intervention or conflict resolution; 2. infuse intercultural understanding and sensitivity in the training process; and 3. to blend trauma relief work and conflict resolution intervention into training scholar-practitioners who can facilitate reconciliation at the interpersonal, group, and intergroup levels of societies divided by ethnopolitical warfare.
Training of Professional Groups
TP: Health professionals
Right to health, Conflict environments, Human rights-based approach, Post-conflict environments

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