Every August, the annual HREA Advocacy Institute brings human rights defenders, humanitarian and development workers from around the world to Cambridge for four days of intensive workshops. HREA is now accepting registrations for the 2015 Advocacy Institute.
Participants strengthen their advocacy skills, meet with advocacy and program staff of local non-profit organisations and universities, and network with human rights defenders from around the world. The Advocacy Institute is an “excellent training, perhaps the most interactive, dynamic, and participatory of any training I’ve ever done,” says 2014 participant Jeff Kaloustian (USA).
To learn more about the Advocacy Institute, watch 2014 participant Faty Kane (Senegal) describe her advocacy work and what she gained from the training:
Human rights defenders and staff of human rights, social justice, international development and intergovernmental organisations are encouraged to apply. Participants who register and pay by 1 February 2015 will receive a US$200 tuition discount.
For more information about the Advocacy Institute and to register, please visit www.hrea.org/advocacy-institute.