Location: Middelburg, the Netherlands
Dates: 20 – 30 June 2016 | Closed
Statues of Franklin D. Roosevelt and Eleanor Roosevelt at the UCR Campus (Photo: HREA)
About the Four Freedoms Summer Program Brochure 2016 Four Freedoms Program
The Four Freedoms Summer Program is an annual series of human rights courses for (under)graduate students and practitioners organized by HREA and University College Roosevelt (UCR). Franklin D. Roosevelt’s four Freedoms: freedom of speech and expression, freedom of worship, freedom from want and freedom from fear were a major inspiration for the modern human rights movement and were incorporated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) as drafted by the UN Commission on Human Rights, chaired by Eleanor Roosevelt.
In 2016, the following summer courses* will be offered at the UCR campus in Middelburg:
Human Rights in Practice: Working in the Field
20 – 24 June 2016 (5 days) Flyer
Are you interested in working in the international field of human rights? This week-long course will introduce advanced undergraduate students to what it means to work in organisations, institutions, networks and movements that defend and promote human rights. Students will interact with guest lecturers from NGOs, the UN and other inter-governmental agencies, law firms, and national human rights institutions. More information and registration >>
Wereldburgerschap en mensenrechten in de klas
27 – 30 June 2016 (4 days) Flyer
Wereldburgerschap gaat over het leggen van verbindingen tussen jezelf en de ander. Thema’s als wederzijds respect, duurzaamheid, vrede en veiligheid en democratie zijn hierbij belangrijk. Via mensenrechteneducatie kan je werken aan wereldburgerschap. Maar hoe zorg je ervoor dat jouw (toekomstige) leerlingen wereldburgers worden? In deze cursus wordt theorie over wereldburgerschap en mensenrechteneducatie gekoppeld aan de praktijk. De cursus is bedoeld voor Nederlandstalige leerkrachten (in-spe) en docenten uit het primair, voortgezet en (hoger) beroepsonderwijs, die in de formele en niet-formele sector aan het werk zijn. Meer informatie en registratie >>