Financial, People and Project Management Training Programme 2018-2019 (PDF)
HREA offers a range of instructor-led and self-directed e-learning courses and training workshops on financial, people and project management.
Courses and workshops include:
Coaching NEW!
Data Collection and Analysis for Project Monitoring and Evaluation
Effective Leadership for Humanitarian Action and Social Change
Gender Responsive Budgeting NEW!
Performance Management for NGOs and Community-based Organizations NEW!
Project Cycle Management
Gerenciamento de Projetos (em breve!)
La gestion de projet (à venir!)
Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning NEW!
Monitoring & Evaluation in the NGO Sector
Gender Mainstreaming (Gender Equality-Advanced Course)
Human Rights-Based Programming
Resilience, Humanitarian Action and Human Development
Plan International staff and partners are highly recommended to enroll in these courses as part of HREA’s partnership with the Plan Academy.