2 October-12 November 2019 (E03219) | Closed
Instructor: Dr. Gerd Oberleitner
This e-learning course provides participants with advanced knowledge of international humanitarian law and human rights law in armed conflicts. It puts the law of armed conflict in a larger context, traces recent developments and examines how the law responds to contemporary trends in and challenges to regulating the conduct of hostilities, mitigating the consequences of the use of armed force and protecting civilians in armed conflicts and other situations of violence and insecurity. It builds on HREA’s International Humanitarian Law (Foundation Course) and critically examines the changing nature of warfare and how it challenges the law.
The course will allow learners to refresh their knowledge of international humanitarian law, discuss the role of law in contemporary situations of armed conflicts between, within and across states and learn about the role of human rights in armed conflicts and their interplay with international humanitarian law. Participants will discuss current challenges and trends in the protection of civilians and learn about international criminal jurisdiction for war crimes and crimes against humanity. The course also examines two fields of particular practical relevance: the place of human rights and humanitarian law in multi-national peace and stability operations, and the role of human rights and humanitarian law for humanitarian actors working in conflict zones.