HREA offers a range of e-learning courses and training workshops on armed conflict, human rights and humanitarian law.
Courses and workshops include:
Humanity in War: Introduction to International Humanitarian Law
Reporting Conflicts: International Humanitarian Law for Media Professionals
Droits des réfugiés et des personnes déplacées internes (rapid e-course)
Rights of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons (rapid e-course)
Armed Conflict, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law
Children in War and Armed Conflicts
Education in Emergencies
Forced Migration
Gender and Humanitarian Action
Genocide: What Role for International Law?
Human Rights in Humanitarian Action and Disaster Relief (Foundation Course)
Internally Displaced Persons
International Humanitarian Law (Foundation Course)
International Tribunals, World Courts and Human Rights
Women, Peace and Security
Members of PHAP (Professionals in Humanitarian Assistance and Protection) receive a tuition discount on selected courses in this program.