Human Rights Education Associates

Curriculum Development for SDG 4.7: Human Rights, Global Citizenship & ESD

 October 25 – December 5, 2023

 Dr. Felisa Tibbitts

Executive Director and Co-Founder of HREA; UNESCO Chair in Human Rights and Higher Education.

Course Description

SDG 4.7 evokes the co-disciplines of Global Citizenship Education (GCED), Human Rights Education (HRE) and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). Learners will explore how key UN and civil society organizations conceptualize each of these (interlinking) approaches. Learners will simultaneously learn practical skills for curriculum design, including the development of lesson plans and training programs and the localization of pre-existing resources. Participants will develop an applied curriculum product in the course. The course is intended for educators and trainers working in the formal and nonformal education sectors.

Course Instructor

Dr. Felisa Tibbitts, a leading HRE expert, is UNESCO Chair in Human Rights and Higher Education and Chair in Human Rights Education at the Human Rights Centre of Utrecht University (Netherlands). She is also a Visiting Professor at Nelson Mandela University (South Africa) and director of Human Rights Education Associates (HREA), which she co-founded in 1996.

Course Objectives

This e-learning course provides participants with an introduction to HRE, GCED and ESD approaches, and basic methods and tools for developing curriculum. Learners will gain or deepen their:

Knowledge of

Definitions of HRE, GCED and ESD

Strategies for curriculum development

Skills in

Developing a component of an SDG 4.7 curriculum

Adapting existing educational resources to one’s own learning environment

Awareness of

International trends and key actors in the field of SDG 4.7

Throughout the course, participants will be asked to reflect on their own experiences in applying the skills and knowledge of the course.

Course Format

This certificate course involves approximately 25 hours of reading & discussion, three 60-minute live classroom sessions (on Tuesday’s from 14h00-15h30 UTC/GMT) with the course instructor and/or guests, assignments, and quizzes, and is offered over a 6-week period. The course is based on a participatory, active learning approach, with an emphasis on critical reflection and peer-to-peer learning. Participants will do the required readings, prepare interim and final assignments and participate in group discussions. Students who successfully complete the course will receive a Certificate of Participation. It is also possible to audit the course.

Course Outline

Week 1: Orientation to the course and SDG 4.7

Week 2: Tools for curriculum development & lesson planning – Part 1

Week 3: Tools for curriculum development & lesson planning – Part 2

Week 4: Transformative learning and associated pedagogies

Week 5: Online resources and localization

Week 6: Integration of digital technology

Who Should apply

The course is intended for educators and trainers working in schools, higher education institutions and civil society organizations. Participants should have a good written command of English and have high competence and comfort with computing devices and Internet use. It is recommended that participants come to the course already with an idea of the curriculum that they would like to develop.


Tuition fee for participants from OECD-countries: $475; non-OECD countries: $350. Tuition for auditors: $250. Payments can be made online through PayPal and bank transfer. Payments are due upon registration.


Registration deadline Oct. 11, 2023. Click below to register. For queries, please contact