HREA will assist the Washington, DC-based Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc. (CLINIC) in adding e-learning courses to its training menu. CLINIC’s mission to enhance and expand delivery of legal services to indigent and low-income immigrants in the United States.
HREA will assist CLINIC in developing curricula, course methodology and technical support for six e-learning courses to be offered in 2011, starting with “Grounds of Inadmissability” and “Introduction to Family-based Immigration” in June. CLINIC’s team of training attorneys will lead the e-learning courses. The courses last either four or six weeks, depending on the course, and require about four hours of learning per week. Much of that work students will do on their own schedules. Participant will learn by taking part in weekly live webinars; completing reading assignments, exercises, and activities each week; and sharing ideas with each other in online discussion forums.
These e-learning courses offer flexibility — much of the work can be done anytime during the week when the participant chooses to do it. In contrast with CLINIC’s in-person trainings, learning in the online courses rely primarily on individual study and practice than on lecture and group learning. These 4-6 week courses join CLINIC in-person trainings and webinars, offering a new way to learn immigration law and procedure. Learn more on the CLINIC website.