September 6-October 17, 2023
Dr. Felisa Tibbitts
Executive Director and Co-Founder of HREA; UNESCO Chair in Human Rights and Higher Education.
This course is designed for human rights education (HRE) practitioners in the formal or nonformal education sectors who would like to further develop their knowledge and skills in a component of HRE programming, including curriculum writing, training, rights-based HRE project development, and monitoring & evaluation. The course will be tailored to the interests and needs of learners and will have a workshop format to encourage peer learning. Participants will receive practical resources for HRE programming and develop a substantive applied product, with constructive feedback from the instructor and peers.
This e-learning course provides experienced practitioners with an opportunity to focus on one aspect of HRE programming: curriculum writing, training, rights-based HRE program development, or monitoring & evaluation. The course will provide a ‘light’ exposure to each of these areas and learners will be organized in sub-groups to go into greater depth on their area of focus, culminating in a written product of up to 15 pages. The learning outcomes will therefore be somewhat dependent upon the learners’ area of focus but will include the following:
Knowledge of
Strategies for curriculum writing, project development and monitoring & evaluation (M&E)
Human rights-based approach to HRE program components
Skills in
Developing a component of an HRE curriculum/training, project, or M&E plan
This certificate course involves approximately 25 hours of reading & discussion, six 90-minute live classroom sessions (on Tuesdays from 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. EDT) with the course instructor, course facilitator and/or guests, assignments, and quizzes, and is offered over a 6-week period. The course is based on a participatory, active learning approach, with an emphasis on critical reflection and peer-to-peer learning. Participants will do the required readings, prepare interim and final assignments, and participate in peer review. Students who successfully complete the course will receive a Certificate of Participation. Due to the workshop format of this course, it is not possible to audit the course.
Week 1: Orientation to the course and the rights-based approach to HRE programming
Week 2: HRE curriculum development
Week 3: Monitoring & evaluation of HRE
Week 4: HRE project development
Week 5: HRE training
Week 6: Peer review and finalization of HRE products