HREA offers short on-line professional development courses related to human rights, humanitarian action, and financial, people and project management. They are self-directed, which means learners can start and complete them at their own pace. Courses typically include written text and interactive learning activities to assess understanding or apply what was learned. Certificates can be downloaded on successful completion of final assessments. You can try a short sample of most courses before you enroll.
Tuition for each rapid e-course varies. Click on the links below for more information. Tuition payments can be made on-line by credit card (MasterCard, VISA or Discover) or PayPal.
Coaching is a leadership tool that supports others to successfully address challenges and produce results. In this rapid e-course you will learn about the four coaching styles on the Push/Pull Coaching spectrum and when coaching is most effective in addressing performance challenges. Learn more >>
Performance Management for NGOs and Community-based Organizations
This rapid e-course places you in the role of having to supervising three staff members. You make decisions with the help of some helpful resources related to performance management. You will assess skills gaps and identify potential learning opportunities. Learn more >>
Introduction to International Humanitarian Law
This rapid e-course gives an overview of the mechanisms and institutions that uphold international humanitarian law (IHL), like the Geneva Conventions and the International Criminal Court. It also examines the special legal protections afforded to certain groups, including children, refugees and women. Learn more >>
Droits de l’enfant
Les besoins spéciaux des enfants ont justifié des droits biens spécifiques. Explorez des thèmes qui abordent la façon par laquelle les droits de l’enfant sont compromis, les institutions et mécanismes entrepris pour tirer un trait sur les violations des droits de l’enfant, et ce que vous pouvez faire. En savoir plus >>
Droits des réfugiés et des personnes déplacées internes
Les personnes déplacées qui s’enfuient des violations des droits humains abandonnent leurs maisons en cherchant de la sécurité. Avec multimédia riche, ce cours offre une vue d’ensemble des institutions et des procédures légales qui servent à protéger les réfugiés et les personnes déplacées internes. En savoir plus >>
Human Rights in Europe
Europe faces a wide range of human rights challenges, from the illegal deportation of asylum seekers to domestic violence against women. This course addresses five themes in particular: asylum, minority rights, human rights of women, social rights, and torture. Learn more >>
Reporting Conflicts: International Humanitarian Law for Media Professionals
This free self-directed e-course introduces participants to the principles and application of IHL, including how IHL is enforced and which groups are afforded special protections. The course is primarily meant for journalists and media professionals, but can be taken by anyone with an interest in the principles and application of IHL. Learn more>>
Rights of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons
Displaced people fleeing human rights violations give up their homes in the search for safety. The displaced are vulnerable to further rights abuses and therefore need the protection of international institutions and foreign countries. Learn more >>
Rights of the Child
Children have special needs that have warranted particular rights. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child has been ratified by more countries than any other human rights instrument. The treaty’s nearly universal acceptance makes it an important tool for human rights defenders around the globe. Learn more >>