HREA has been assisting the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) with the implementation of human rights education programming in UNRWA schools. UNWRA contracted HREA to assess its Human Rights, Conflict Resolution and Tolerance Program in 700 elementary schools with 700,000 Palestinian refugee children in five countries. The program was initiated in 1999 and has grown steadily over the past ten years yet there is a desire for more coherence in programming in the different UNRWA countries.
Based on field visits by HREA staff earlier this year, an initial “scoping study” was submitted to UNRWA with recommendations on how to improve its Human Rights, Conflict Resolution and Tolerance Program. Subsequently, HREA prepared a policy paper on human rights education for UNRWA. HREA Senior Program Associate Paul McAdams was in Jordan from 10-14 October to present the draft policy and get further input from UNRWA education program staff from all five countries (Jordan, Lebanon, Gaza and West Bank, Syria).
UNRWA Policy on Education for Human Rights, Conflict Resolution and Tolerance
UNRWA Policy on Education for Human Rights, Conflict Resolution and Tolerance (Arabic)